To use BibleBot, simply say a verse reference anywhere in a message, like Genesis 1:1
or John 1:1-5
. BibleBot supports the typical Protestant canon as well as the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox deuterocanonicals, if that version supports it (see /versioninfo
below to find that information).
All subcommands marked with an asterisk (*
) are only usable if the user has the Manage Server permission.
Some commands have not been re-implemented. These are crossed out on the table below.
Command | Description | Related Commands | Example |
/biblebot | The help command, which will list commands and any relevant links. | None | /biblebot |
/search | Search for a verse by keyword or phrase. Specify the subset parameter to search within a specific portion of the Bible. | None | /search query: for God so loved the world |
/version | Display the user and server version preferences as well as list all related commands. | /setversion /setserverversion */listversions /versioninfo /booklist | /version /setversion abbreviation: NASB /setserverversion abbreviation: NASB /versionlist /versioninfo abbreviation: NASB /booklist abbreviation: NASB |
/random | By default, this will give you a random verse in a predetermined pool unless using /truerandom . | /truerandom | /random /truerandom |
/dailyverse | The daily verse, see related commands for automation. | /dailyversestatus /dailyverseset */dailyverseclear */dailyverserole * | /dailyversestatus /dailyverseset /dailyverseclear /dailyverserole |
/formatting | Display your formatting preferences (headings/titles, verse numbers, display style) and behavior preferences for the server (ignoring brackets) as well as list all related commands. | /settitles /setversenumbers /setdisplay /setserverdisplay */setbrackets * | /formatting /settitles enable /setversenumbers disable /setdisplay /setserverdisplay /setbrackets |
/setserverlanguage *
/setlanguage english /setserverlanguage english /listlanguages | |
/resources | List commands of available resources (catechisms, confessions, creeds, and more). | /resource | /resources /resource resource: nicene /resource resource: ccc range: 1 /resource resource: ccc range: 1-5 /resource resource: lsc /resource resource: lsc range: 1 /resource resource: lsc range: preface |
/stats | View bot statistics. | None | /stats |
/invite | Get the invite link for the bot. | None | /invite |