Scripture from your Discord client to your heart.

A Kerygma Digital Ministry

Updates and Releases

Biblica Translations Restored

Biblica and Kerygma Digital have recently come to a favorable arrangement for us to continue to provide Biblica’s translation catalogue on BibleBot. What does this mean for me? This means that if you were a user of the following translations, they are now available again: If you haven’t changed your preferences since the translations were […]

Biblica Translations Returning to BibleBot

Biblica and Kerygma Digital have recently come to a favorable arrangement for us to continue to provide Biblica’s translation catalogue on BibleBot. What does this mean for me? This means that if you were a user of the following translations, they will be made available again soon: We’re anticipating these translations to be back in […]

Update: v9.1-beta (build 119)

These are all the updates the bot has received since June 26th. With the changes Discord is making to bots, we have initiated a code freeze for the current repository. In other words, no updates to the v9.1-beta code will be made as of September 16th onward, besides bugfixes to ensure continuity.

Update: v9.1-beta (build 74)

These are small updates that we’ve made since June 20th. Some of these updates have already been deployed, some are just being deployed today. We’ve also begun implementing unit tests on our code now, to ensure results are accurate and predictable. This’ll help us serve a better service by helping detect bugs before you guys do.

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